Loretta Wall
Mixed media
I studied fine art (painting) at Winchester school of art – my past work can be seen on my website www.lorettawall.com.
My recent work refers to drawings of observational spaces & interiors mixed with unreal places. Essentially, they take you to an ‘other worldly’ place where all lifeforms, plants & imaginings blend into one ethereal space. The overlapping sections try to show a multi-dimensional existence; they are sometimes drawn inside out & upside down challenging pre-conceptions & experience the unseen. I sometimes use a challenging mixed media approach to express this: as the non-sense then hopefully makes more sense! In the latest series for example, the broad spectrum of media includes everything from traditional oil painting, through to printmaking, pen & ink drawing, thread drawing & collage. “Alien love notes” is a fun concept of a group of postcards that have been sent to us from other worldly dimensions, “they” seem quite keen to share their love with us & use bright colours to hopefully brighten up your day!
For updates please follow me on my Instagram account joe_devivre
Venue 3
On street close by
Meldon House
4 Granville Road
EX34 8AS